Issues such as inequitable pay and lack of overtime compensation can motivate workers to set the record straight. The professionals at the Gancedo Law Firm are experienced in representing clients in class actions relating to labor overtime claims and other fair labor issues.
Class actions by the lawyers of the Gancedo Law Firm on behalf of clients include issues such as failure of insurance companies to pay overtime to its insurance adjusters, failure of adjusting companies to pay overtime to catastrophe adjusters, and failure of prominent drug store chains to pay overtime to their managers and assistant managers. The lawyers of the Gancedo Law Firm are well-versed in class action litigation and have been appointed by the court as lead counsel in overtime cases. The lawyers of the Gancedo Law Firm have pursued claims for employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the California Labor Code, and have successfully defeated defenses of exemption, employee classification and statute of limitations under federal and state law.
The attorneys of The Gancedo Law Firm are available to speak with you regarding your overtime or other labor issue. Please call us at 800/500-5735 for a no-cost, no-obligation evaluation of your claim.